We Create

Creating an avenue for K9 SAR volunteers to become operational and serve the public

What We Do


— We Fund

Seminars and training necessary to sustain and become deployable.


— We Provide

Resources for equipment and training, and help with veterinary expenses.


— We Supply

First aid kits, deployment gear, & safety equipment

What We Care For!

SAR K-9’S and Their Owners

Kentucky K-9 Search and Rescue Foundation is a nonprofit organization which functions to help strengthen the capabilities of  Search and Rescue K9 handlers. Providing support for themselves and their K9’s with Education, Training and Certification.

Agencies Charged with Protecting the Public

Assisting with providing a resource at no cost that is competent and an essential tool in finding those at risk efficiently

Families of the Lost and Missing

Helping current handlers with ongoing education to become more reliable in their quest to bring loved ones home. These services are provided to the families or agencies that request help from these K9’s and their handlers at no cost.